React Hooks

React Hooks

React hooks enable to to manage state in a functional way.

React hooks were introduced in React 16.8. Prior to them to use any kind of state in a component you would need to write your code as class components.

With the addition of React hooks, you can simply create state in a standard functional component by making use of one of the many hooks available.

Two of the basic hooks are useState, and useEffect.

useState enables you to create, set and access a state variable.

useEffect will enable you to run side effects when state variables or props change with the use of a callback containing your code and a dependancy array where anytime a state variable or prop in the dependancy array changes the useEffect hook will run your callback.

As a general rule React hooks always start with the word use.

Along with all the hooks provided in the React library, you can create custom hooks by making use of a combination of the hooks provided in the library.

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