A loop in software engineering is reoccurring code that runs a number of times based on what it has been provided.
There are a number of ways to run loops, however for the most part there will be a iterator variable that will be incremented in value for each iteration of the loop. The iterator is usually set to the number 0, to start and after each iteration or run of the loop the variable will be incremented or increased by 1.
In order to prevent an infinite loop which is where the code gets stuck endlessly running the loop over and over again there is often a condition set that when met will end or break out of the loop.
For example if the loop increments by 1 for each iteration, then the condition set could be that while the iterator is less than the value of 10, run the loop otherwise break it.
A common condition is to find the total length of an array and use that to determine when each item has been looped over.