Hydration in React

Hydration in React

Hydration in React is the process of attaching event handlers and preserving the existing server-rendered HTML content when a React application is initially rendered on the client-side. When rendering a React application on the server, the resulting HTML markup is sent to the client as a static HTML page. To enable interactivity and dynamic behavior, React needs to take over the rendered HTML and attach event handlers, update the DOM, and manage the component lifecycle. This process is known as hydration. During hydration, React reconciles the server-rendered HTML with the client-side JavaScript representation of the components. It matches the existing DOM nodes with their corresponding React components, sets up event listeners, and preserves any state or props passed from the server. By hydrating the server-rendered content, React can seamlessly take over and continue managing the application's interactivity and state updates on the client-side, providing a smooth and interactive user experience.

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